
How do I create a Corporate Wellness Programme?

Evaluate the mental needs of your staff

For a corporate wellness programme to be successful, it is important to know what your employees need. Conduct a workplace survey to learn about their concerns, lifestyles, and wellness habits so that the programme can cater to their needs.

Establish a wellness committee

Designate a wellness committee to help promote, plan and facilitate the programme. Additionally, they can be trained to provide first-hand assistance to their colleagues.

Do a mood check-in at the office

Make it a habit to check in with your employees in the office and find out how they are doing. Schedule short chat sessions that go beyond work matters to discover how your employees are coping.

Conduct mental wellbeing talks and self-assessments

Through your corporate wellness programme, conduct educational programmes or self-assessments for your colleagues to learn about each other’s mental wellbeing and better understand each other. This would bolster the cohesiveness in your team.

Organise outdoor activities together to relieve stress

Not only do team building exercises provide an avenue for your team to relax and reduce their work-related stress, but they also foster positive relationships outside the office. Initiatives like these are usually well-received and reciprocated with more motivated and coordinated employees.

Promote healthy habits

Corporate wellness programmes that educate employees on healthy habits (such as diet and exercise) are more likely to encourage them to stick to a healthier lifestyle. This often translates to having more effective and productive teams.

Take breaks and enjoy a laugh

Laughter also keep doctors at bay. Is your team feeling stressed? Try out our comics to lighten your mood. Stay happy as a team and be more creative and productive.

Subscribe to to track and self-manage your health goals

Your colleagues may not be there to assist you with your needs all the time, and this is why we are here for you. You may access self-management and AI chatbots that can provide advice and guidance at any time with us.
Corporate wellness programmes are incredibly beneficial for your workplace, and you can quickly see substantial gains in productivity, collaboration and work engagement just by promoting mental health wellbeing. Check out a variety of resources and useful tips like these on

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