
A beginner's guide to goal setting for teens

Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory


Clarity: The goal needs to be straightforward, clear and obvious to outsiders


Challenge: The goal should be challenging, yet attainable enough


Commitment: Are you convinced that achieving this goal is important?


Feedback: You should be able to assess your progress, give feedback and change course if need be


Task complexity: Your goal should be managable, without too many things going on within it

SMART goals

When creating a goal, ensure that it is:
• Specific - state exactly what you will accomplish
• Measurable - progress is trackable and you will know when you achieve the goal
• Attainable - it is possible for you to achieve the goal
• Relevant - it is aligned with you values, interests and other goals
• Timely - includes fair but firm deadlines

The WOOP tool

This tool combines positive thinking with envisioning and planning for obstacles along the way:
• Wish - what is your wish, a wish that is challenging but feasible?
• Outcome - what would be the best outcome of fulfilling your wish?
• Obstacle - what is your main inner obstacle that stands in the way of you fulfilling your wish?
• Plan - what can you do to overcome your obstacle?

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