What is self-care?
Self-care is when you take the time to take care of yourself. It is anything you enjoy that makes you happy and maintains your physical, mental and emotional health. It can be simple everyday pleasures such as reading a magazine or bigger things like doing a hobby.
Why self-care is often not a priority
You have so many things to do so it's no wonder that self-care, especially your own, is way down your list:
• There's not enough time
• You haven't got the energy
• It feels like self-care involves money
Self-care ideas for everybody
Some activities you enjoy may cost a bit or take up too much time, but self-care is also about the simple free things. Some examples include:
• Physical self-care - exercising, soaking in the tub
• Mental and emotional self-care - watching a film or match, go to a park, facetime with friends
• Creative and spiritual self-care - engage in imagination, learning or spirituality
Self-care is very individual
What works for some will not work for others. For instance, exercise makes some individuals feel better, while others are restored by a snooze. The important thing is to do what you enjoy!
Self-care works best as a routine
Regular acts of self-care keep you energised and dealing with pressures well. This is better than an emergency measure to get back on track when things go wrong. Self-care is fun and good for you so enjoy it!