
Tips to kick-off your self-discovery journey

Your self-discovery journey

Do you find yourself asking, ‘Who am I, really?'. Some self-discovery can help you to get to know yourself a little better. Self-discovery sounds like an intimidating concept, but it's really a process of:
• Examining your life
• Figuring out what's missing
• Taking steps toward fulfilment

Tips to get you started


Start by visualising your ideal self - try asking yourself:

• What do I want from life?

• Where do I see myself in 5 years? Or 10?

• What do I regret?

• What makes me proud of myself?


Explore your passions - passions help give life purpose and taking time to consider what you enjoy can help you to discover ways to enrich your life


Try new things - if you can't figure out your passion, doing something new is a good way to figure it out

Tips to get you started


Evaluate your skills - most people have a knack for something. You can take time to consider your unique abilities and how you can use them. Using your skills hones them, increasing your confidence, which in turn encourages you to keep exploring these talents


Identify what you value about yourself - your personal values can tell you a lot about your nature


Ask yourself questions like:

• Why do I do the things I do?

• What drives me?

Tips to get you started


Learn something new - learning works best when it is treated as a lifelong process. Expanding your knowledge is always a wise move


Keep a journal - picking up this habit can help you get in touch with yourself and learn more about the person you have become


Talk to a therapist - when the process of self-discovery seems overwhelming and you don't know where to start, therapy can provide a safe space to get some guidance

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